The value of volunteer development

Make A Difference Day Winner Shares Tips for Success

Congratulations to the United Way Volunteer Center in Daytona Beach, Florida, which has been named winner of the Make A Difference Day Encore Award presented by USA Weekend and the Gannett Foundation!

This outstanding group is a part of the United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties headed up by president Ray Salazar.

Make A Difference Day is designated as the national day of doing good, a day of service for getting organizations and volunteers involved in worthwhile one-day impact projects.

The Encore Award is noteworthy because it recognizes performance consistency. Only previous winners of Make A Difference Day Awards from the Paul Newman Foundation are eligible for this prestigious recognition.

I asked Laura Zublionis, director of the Volunteer Center, to share how they consistently deliver their award winning involvement results.

She said, “We spend a lot of time on relationship development because we believe friend-raising is as important as fundraising.”

Laura also shared, “We do a lot of work with agencies to help make sure their Make A Difference Day activities are
relevant so volunteers really feel like they are making a difference. Volunteers like to see immediate results of their efforts. They also like to know their activity is having an impact that helps solve a big picture need. They want to be part of the solution.”

She added, “We are seeing businesses becoming more involved with employee volunteer programs and we certainly work to help facilitate that interest.”

Whether it is for a single national day of volunteer service or for ongoing activity these involvement tips are obviously getting results!

Congratulations again to the United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties on your Make A Difference Day Encore Award and thank you for sharing your success tips!

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