Hardy Smith’s Recommended Reading for Nonprofit Leaders

Welcome to Hardy Smith’s blog, where he shares experience and insight learned through decades in the corporate world and advocating on behalf of nonprofits and associations across America.

Hardy’s mission is to help maximize the performance of nonprofits and associations and their essential leadership teams.

If you’re seeking to triumph over communication challenges, bring meaningful and manageable solutions to, and realize measurable results of your organization, this blog will give you more than ideas — it will maximize your team’s performance like never before.

Hardy Smith’s Recommended Reading for Nonprofit Leaders

Books: These are books that I have personally read and recommend as being beneficial to anyone working with nonprofits, associations, and volunteer-based organizations. Some are considered classics by nonprofit professionals and others reflect the most current trends affecting nonprofit performance. I’m an avid reader and new titles are added frequently!

Most Popular 2024 Articles

These articles have been selected as most popular in 2024 by readers of my monthly newsletter for nonprofit, association, and chamber of commerce leaders and

Productive Nonprofit Board Meetings

Are your board meetings a turn-off or a turn-on for board members? Are they disorganized or poorly run? Do they fail to encourage active discussion? 

Six Success Tips for Nonprofits

    Would you like quick tips on how to make your nonprofit organization more successful? Here are six success lessons for nonprofits from Stop

7 Tips for Leading Volunteers

*I originally wrote this article for the Institute For Organization Management Blog and is based on lessons from my book, Stop The Nonprofit Board Blame

What Choices Are You Making?

While attending the 2024 Florida Society of Association Executives annual conference, I had opportunity to learn from three excellent keynote speakers. Crystal Washington whose topic

Create A Positive Board Experience

My research has shown a negative board experience is a key influencer to board members not performing as expected. Furthermore, a less than positive experience

Hardy Smith’s Recommended Reading for Nonprofit Leaders

Books: These are books that I have personally read and recommend as being beneficial to anyone working with nonprofits, associations, and volunteer-based organizations. Some are considered classics by nonprofit professionals and others reflect the most current trends affecting nonprofit performance. I’m an avid reader and new titles are added frequently!

Most Popular 2024 Articles

These articles have been selected as most popular in 2024 by readers of my monthly newsletter for nonprofit, association, and chamber of commerce leaders and

Productive Nonprofit Board Meetings

Are your board meetings a turn-off or a turn-on for board members? Are they disorganized or poorly run? Do they fail to encourage active discussion? 

Six Success Tips for Nonprofits

    Would you like quick tips on how to make your nonprofit organization more successful? Here are six success lessons for nonprofits from Stop

7 Tips for Leading Volunteers

*I originally wrote this article for the Institute For Organization Management Blog and is based on lessons from my book, Stop The Nonprofit Board Blame

What Choices Are You Making?

While attending the 2024 Florida Society of Association Executives annual conference, I had opportunity to learn from three excellent keynote speakers. Crystal Washington whose topic

Create A Positive Board Experience

My research has shown a negative board experience is a key influencer to board members not performing as expected. Furthermore, a less than positive experience