
Use SOAP for Nonprofit Problem-Solving

Welcome to Hardy Smith’s blog, where he shares experience and insight learned through decades in the corporate world and advocating on behalf of nonprofits and associations across America.

Hardy’s mission is to help maximize the performance of nonprofits and associations and their essential leadership teams.

If you’re seeking to triumph over communication challenges, bring meaningful and manageable solutions to, and realize measurable results of your organization, this blog will give you more than ideas — it will maximize your team’s performance like never before.

Use SOAP for Nonprofit Problem-Solving

Problem-solving formulas can be complicated and difficult to implement, but not if they’re as clean as S.O.A.P. When you’re struggling for answers to a challenging issue, apply this investigative method that doctors use for determining the best course of action to take.

Give Donors Red-Carpet Treatment

How would donors react if they felt like they received red-carpet treatment from your nonprofit? Would the outstanding customer service associated with such attention to detail and relationship building translate to increased donor engagement? Could it contribute to improved retention of first-time donors? My speaker colleague Donna Cutting knows the answers.

Save Your Donors

Is it possible nonprofits have grown accustomed to poor donor retention rates? Or is the situation just too overwhelming?

Is Customer Service Important to Nonprofits?

Nonprofits are facing increasingly difficult circumstances influencing their ability to achieve their mission. They can benefit from several important lessons identified during my observations at Paschal’s and my follow-up conversation with the regional manager at that time, Roger Hill.

Use SOAP for Nonprofit Problem-Solving

Problem-solving formulas can be complicated and difficult to implement, but not if they’re as clean as S.O.A.P. When you’re struggling for answers to a challenging issue, apply this investigative method that doctors use for determining the best course of action to take.

Give Donors Red-Carpet Treatment

How would donors react if they felt like they received red-carpet treatment from your nonprofit? Would the outstanding customer service associated with such attention to detail and relationship building translate to increased donor engagement? Could it contribute to improved retention of first-time donors? My speaker colleague Donna Cutting knows the answers.

Save Your Donors

Is it possible nonprofits have grown accustomed to poor donor retention rates? Or is the situation just too overwhelming?

Is Customer Service Important to Nonprofits?

Nonprofits are facing increasingly difficult circumstances influencing their ability to achieve their mission. They can benefit from several important lessons identified during my observations at Paschal’s and my follow-up conversation with the regional manager at that time, Roger Hill.