Six Success Tips for Nonprofits



Would you like quick tips on how to make your nonprofit organization more successful?

Here are six success lessons for nonprofits from Stop The Nonprofit Board Blame Game that will help.

Topics touched on include transformational change, relationships with board members, board diversity, board members and fundraising, volunteer’s motivation, and inclusive culture.

  • The desire to move beyond the status quo must be a driving force to make transformational change happen. Shifting from the familiar to something new isn’t easy but can be necessary.

  • Strong meaningful relationships are at the heart of creating a positive and productive experience for board members.

  • Adopting a goal to achieve diversity is one thing. Taking action to make the goal happen is quite another.

  • Fundraising can be a sticky subject when it comes to expectations of board members. Don’t assume all board members will be willing to ask others for money.

  • Recognizing that individuals make involvement decisions for their own reasons is fundamental to understanding your volunteers. Do you know each of your board member’s personal motivation for serving your organization?

  • A board culture that is welcoming and inclusive will help attract and retain individuals representing diverse demographics.

Use these six tips as prompts to stimulate thinking on how to create greater success for your organization.

Do you have a success tip to share with our nonprofit community?

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